Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in obesity
Obesity Abstracts (2021) 3 OU5 | DOI: 10.1530/obabs.3.OU5

1Hon. Clinical Professor National Centre for Cardiovascular Prevention and Outcomes, UCL Institute of Cardiovascular Science; 2Senior Principal Clinical Scientist Global Medical Affairs Management Novo Nordisk A/S

Newer anti-obesity medications (AOM) now offer the prospect of double-digit weight loss, and potentially clinical benefits beyond those from weight loss alone (e.g., diabetes remission, cardiovascular protection) all on a background of increasing prevalence and severity of obesity in most countries. Currently the analytical framework for evaluating efficacy has been anthropometric-centric but will need to develop as it has in other chronic disease areas to be more complication and outcome-centric. Treat-to target (which may not, and should perhaps not be BMI related, could become a reality and this will need to consider the prospect of AOM combination therapy. The relevance of current ‘stopping rules’, based on a failure to achieve a 5% loss at 12 or 16 weeks of treatment, will become meaningless when (nearly) all achieve this. Demonstrating cost-efficacy will remain the challenge to drive reimbursement, and there is still much stigma and bias against treating obesity with AOMs to be overcome.

Volume 3

Obesity Update 2021

Online, United Kingdom
30 Jun 2021 - 01 Jul 2021


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